In the last few days and weeks we've been getting more and more really positive signs of a growing attachment/desire to be close and some trust with both of our children and i want to share some with you guys.
Whilst walking them both to school the other day, Little asked for my hand and looked at my when i gave it to them and said, 'you've got a son/daughter* on your hand" and smiled.
Big has started having really long and beautiful cuddles where they really snuggle in to us.
Both children are searching for us frantically if we're not immediately where they think we are.
Big is asking for more and more cuddles and kisses and makes sure they get plenty in with both of us each day and will get upset if we haven't had enough that day.
Little has started completely rejecting anyone but us for comfort in their time of need. Wife's BIL went to them twice in the same day recently and Little ran to find us and clung on for dear life.
We're getting disclosures more and more from Big. We had a 5 minute long very intense, very descriptive group of disclosures a few days ago that kind of knocked us for six.
They both search for us and look to us for reassurance in new situations. Big goes as far as coming back to us repeatedly.
They seem to be far more relaxed. This probably sounds weird but they do, something has changed with them both and they aren't so anxious all of the time, they're more happy to know that this is what we're doing right now and we're not having to constantly tell them what we'll be doing next.
When we're out somewhere, they both ask to go back to our house. Little even announced the other day that "our home is over that way". Neither of them have ever said home before.
During every cuddle, Little will stroke/pat us in the way that we do to them. Big is starting it but not in the same way just yet.
*Little didn't say son/daughter, they only said the one that they are.
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